After the great
travesty last week regarding the two pound gain I decided that this week I was
going to diet, get real active and try something new. Now I can get a bit scared trying something
new alone so I roped my work husband Doney into accompanying me to Awesome
Walls in Finglas, the Mrs has a fear of heights so was uncooperative when I
tried to get her to overcome her fears and take to the sky, or roof as was the
case. I had read that climbing is a
great core sport and is great for the burning of calories so I thought I might
get active by doing something fun.
Now I’m not saying
that running or spinning isn’t fun, I’m just saying that they are not fun for
me. I know I’m not pushing myself enough
physically, I need to enjoy whatever exercise it is that I am going to partake
in otherwise I am just going to plod along doing the same boring routine at the
gym and will get so bored I won’t go or will find reasons not to go.
So we booked a
mid-day training class and met with our instructors who spent an hour with us
showing us all the equipment and how to tie the knots that will keep us from
plummeting to our deaths, or becoming the victim of a serious injury. After we had completed our basic training we
were allowed off to our own devices and experimented with some wall
climbing. As the day went on my arms and
legs started to burn. When we eventually
stopped for a break, hours had passed and I realised I was starving.
Doney wanted to go
out to eat but I decided to cook something healthy for us instead and eat
in. The journey home was agony. There was a hairy moment on the M50 when I came to my exit and was worried that the
muscles in my arms wouldn’t be able to turn the wheel to make the very hard
turn that led to home, but we made it home and I managed to throw together a
lovely, healthy steamed salmon dish that filled us and didn’t ruin the hard
work we had put into the day.
As we sat on the
couch, knackered and sore, watching an old Star Trek film, possibly because our
arms were too sore to hold and aim the remote control we made plans to do it
again. Four days later, after the pain
had subsided, I was back in a harness again attempting to climb to the top of
the building and burning the calories while really enjoying myself. When I got talking to one of the girls there
I was invited to attend a free women’s coaching session on the Wednesday. I signed up and am currently praying the pain
I am enduring now is going to be gone by Wednesday.
While Karen always
says that losing weight is 90% about diet and 10% about exercise, I think that
exercise gives you that boost to help keep your mind on the diet. I already am thinking about losing weight so
that I don’t have to haul all this weight up the wall. I want to tone up and get strong and if
staying away from the pies is going to help me with that then bring it on. I’ve a week left with Magazine + and know
that this week is a definite turning point for me. Maybe it’s the smell of Spring in the air but
I’m feeling rejuvenated.